Efficiently Manage Employee Training Results with Empress


Welcome to this step-by-step guide on how to store and share employee training results using Empress. This feature is an integral part of Empress’s Human Resources suite and is designed to assist businesses in making data-driven decisions regarding employee development and training.

Feature Overview: Training Result

The Training Result feature in Empress allows you to record, store, and share the results of employee training programs quickly and efficiently. It also provides a platform for employees to share their feedback about the training, leading to continuous improvement in your training programs.

This feature is not only helpful for HR and management to track employees’ progress and development but also provides transparency and involvement to the employees by sharing their training results with them.

Accessing the Training Result Feature

To start using the Training Result feature, follow this navigation path on your Empress dashboard:

Home > Human Resources > Training > Training Result

Setting Up for Success: Prerequisites

Before you begin recording training results, it’s essential to have the following documents already established within Empress:

  • Training Program: This outlines the training course that the employee has undertaken.
  • Training Event: This is the specific instance of the training program.
  • Employee: This is the individual who has attended the training event.

By having these documents in place, you can ensure a seamless and holistic recording of training results.

Recording Training Results

To create a new Training Result:

  1. Go to the Training Result list and click on ‘New’.
  2. From the dropdown menu, select the relevant Training Event.
  3. Indicate the training’s duration in ‘Hours’, record the ‘Grade’ achieved, and add any ‘Comments’ against the respective ‘Employee Name’.
  4. Click ‘Save’ and then ‘Submit’.

Upon clicking ‘Submit’, an email notification will be sent to the relevant employees. This email will prompt them to provide their feedback on the training via the Training Feedback feature.

Note: You can also access the Training Result feature directly from the Training Event dashboard.

Collecting Feedback: Training Feedback Feature

The Training Feedback feature is a valuable tool for collecting insights directly from your employees about their training experience. By encouraging employee feedback, you can continually refine and improve your training programs.


The Training Result feature in Empress is a powerful tool for businesses to manage their employee training programs effectively. It not only allows you to record and share training results but also promotes employee engagement through the Training Feedback feature. By leveraging this feature, you can ensure your training programs are continuously improving and contributing to the growth and development of your employees. For more assistance, refer to the Empress support resources or contact our support team.