Efficiently Manage Returns with Empress Credit Notes


Welcome to our user-friendly guide on how to create and manage Credit Notes in Empress. A Credit Note is an important business document that acknowledges a credit to a customer’s account, usually due to returned goods. This feature helps streamline your financial management, making it easier to keep track of transactions and balance your accounts.

The Importance of a Credit Note

In business, there are times when customers return goods for various reasons. The Credit Note feature in Empress then comes into play, enabling you to efficiently manage these returns and reconcile them in your financial records. It allows you to create a document that corresponds to the value of the returned goods, which can be used to offset future purchases by the customer.

Creating a Credit Note

Creating a Credit Note in Empress is a simple process. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to the relevant Sales Invoice in your Empress account.
  2. Select Create > Return / Credit Note from the options.
  3. Empress will automatically fill in the Customer and Item details according to the Sales Invoice.
  4. If the customer has made a partial or full payment, create a Payment Entry against the original Sales Invoice.
  5. Save and Submit your entries.

Remember, the quantity of the returned items and the Payment amount in the Credit Note will be indicated as negative values, reflecting the return.

How a Credit Note Affects Your Ledger

When you create a Payment Entry against the original Sales Invoice, this creates a negative balance in the customer’s account. This negative balance is then offset against the customer’s next purchase. In this way, the Credit Note helps to maintain a clear and accurate record of transactions in your ledger.

Dealing with Unpaid Sales Invoices

If a customer returns goods but has not made any payment against the original invoice, you can simply cancel the Sales Invoice. However, if only a portion of the items is being returned, it’s best to create a Credit Note. This ensures your ledger is updated accurately.

Practical Example

Let’s consider a practical example. Rohan buys PVC pipes worth Rs 300 plus taxes. Upon delivery, he discovers the products are damaged and returns them. In this case, a Credit Note would be issued in Empress, creating a record of the returned goods and the corresponding credit to Rohan’s account.

The Credit Note feature in Empress significantly enhances your business processes, providing an efficient and accurate way to manage returns and credits. For more information or support, please refer to the Sales Invoice page in Empress or contact our customer support team.