Efficiently Managing Business Projects with Empress Task Management


Welcome to our user-friendly guide on Task Management in Empress. This feature is crucial to managing your business projects efficiently. From creating tasks to monitoring progress and costs, our Task Management feature is designed to optimize your project operations.

Introduction to Task Management in Empress

In Empress, a Task is a bite-sized, actionable activity that contributes to the completion of a larger project. To access the Task feature in Empress, navigate through:

Home > Projects > Projects > Task

Creating a Task in Empress

Let’s start by creating a new task:

  1. Navigate to the Task List and click on New.
  2. Input the task’s subject.
  3. Click Save.

You can also create a task directly from a project:

  1. Open the Project for which you want to create a new task.
  2. Locate the Task section under the Project section on the Dashboard.
  3. Click on the plus icon ‘+’ to open the task creation page.
  4. Enter the task’s subject.
  5. Click Save.

Additional Options for Task Creation

When creating a new task, you can add more details to effectively manage the task:

  • Status: Set the current status of the task (Open, Working, Overdue, Pending Review, Completed, or Cancelled).
  • Project: Link the task to a specific Project, if created independently.
  • Priority: Set the task’s priority (Low, Medium, High or Urgent).
  • Issue: Link the task to a particular issue.
  • Weight: Set the weightage of a task in relation to a project.
  • Type: Categorize your task under a particular Task Type (like User Training or User Demo).
  • Color: Assign a color to the task for easy identification on Gantt Charts.
  • Is Group: Indicate if a task is a parent task with multiple sub-tasks.
  • Is Template: Indicate if this task is a template task, used in a Project Template.
  • Parent Task: Link a parent task to the task if it’s part of a group task.

Key Features of Task Management in Empress

Empress provides several handy features to manage your tasks efficiently.

Task Timeline and Details

  • Expected Start/End Date: Set the dates you expect the Task to start and finish.
  • Expected Time: Estimate the number of hours required for the task.
  • Progress: Update the Progress Percentage of a Task.
  • Begin: Set the start date of a task if it’s a template task.
  • Duration: Set a specific number of days for the task if it’s a template task.
  • Is Milestone: Indicate if a task is a Milestone in a Project.
  • Description: Add a brief description of the task.

Dependencies and Actual Time

  • Dependent Tasks: Indicate if a task is dependent on another task’s completion.
  • Actual Start/End Date: Record the actual dates and times when the Task was started and completed.

Task Costing

  • Total Costing Amount: Record the total cost of the task via Timesheets.
  • Total Billing Amount: Record the total amount to be billed for this task.
  • Total Expense Claim: Record the total amount of expense claimed for this task.

Additional Task Info

  • Department: Specify the responsible department.
  • Company: Specify the company for which the Task is being carried out.

By following these steps, you can leverage the Empress Task Management feature to effectively manage tasks within your projects, ensuring all necessary details are captured and tracked. This feature simplifies project management by providing a comprehensive overview of each task’s status, timeline, dependencies, and cost, enhancing your business efficiency and productivity.

For additional support or resources, please consult our Empress User Guide or reach out to our dedicated support team.

Happy Task Managing!