Efficiently Managing Courses with Empress for Businesses


In the world of business, ongoing employee education is critical. Whether you’re conducting a training seminar or offering a course on new software, the ability to effectively manage these educational programs is essential. That’s where the Course Management feature in Empress comes in. This feature allows you to create, edit, and organize courses within your organization, making it easier than ever to provide your team with the training they need.

Getting Started: Accessing the Course List

To get started with this feature, you’ll first need to navigate to the Course List. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Start on the Home page.
  2. Click on Education.
  3. Select Masters.
  4. Finally, click on Course.

Preparing to Create a Course

Before creating a course in Empress, it’s recommended to have these two things ready:

  1. Department: Determine which department will be offering the course.
  2. Topics: Decide on what topics the course will cover.

Creating Your Course: A Step-by-Step Guide

Once you’ve prepared, follow these steps to create a new course:

  1. Navigate to the Course List and click on New.
  2. Type in the Course Name.
  3. Select the Department that will be offering this course.
  4. Add the Topics that the course will cover. If needed, you can create new topics at this point.
  5. Write a Description for the course.
  6. Click on Save.

The Features of Your Course

Evaluating Performance: Course Assessment

Each course you create in Empress comes with the option to set up a unique assessment framework to evaluate performance:

  1. Default Grading Scale: This feature allows you to define a default grading scale for the course. This scale can be used to determine the achievement level of participants based on their scores.
  2. Assessment Criteria: With this feature, you can establish the assessment criteria for the course. These criteria will be used to evaluate participants’ understanding of the subject matter.

What’s Next? Post-Course Actions

Once you’ve created your course, you can generate the following documents directly from the course. These documents will be linked back to the course:

  1. Program
  2. Student Group
  3. Course Schedule
  4. Assessment Plan

In conclusion, the Course Management feature in Empress provides a user-friendly way to create, organize, and manage your business’s educational programs. With this feature, you can ensure that your team receives the education they need in a well-organized and efficient manner. For more information, consult the Empress user guide or contact the Empress support team.