Efficiently Managing Your Empress Book Items


Welcome to this user-friendly guide on how to create and manage Items in Empress Books. No technical jargon, just simple, business-friendly instructions.

Introduction: The Importance of Items in Empress

An Item in Empress Books is anything your business buys or sells, whether it’s a product or a service. You can think of Items as the building blocks of your sales and purchase invoices. Having a well-organized, easily navigable list of Items can significantly streamline your invoicing process, saving you time and reducing the chance of errors.

Navigating to Items in Empress

There are three types of Items in Empress, each with its own place in the Empress interface:

  • Sales Items: These are the Items you sell. Find them by clicking on Sales > Sales Items.
  • Purchase Items: These are the Items you buy. Access them via Purchases > Purchase Items.
  • Common Items: These are the Items you both buy and sell. You can find them under Common > Common Items.

Important: Make sure you create your Item under the correct category, as you can’t change this later.

Creating a New Item: What Each Field Means

When you create a new Item in Empress, you’ll see several fields. Here’s a breakdown of what each field means:

  1. Item Image: Upload an image of the Item for easy identification.
  2. Item Name: Give the Item a unique name.
  3. Rate: Enter the base cost of the Item. You can adjust this when you create an invoice.
  4. Unit Type: Select the base unit for the Item. This is what the rate applies to.
  5. Type: Choose whether the Item is a Product or a Service.
  6. For: Specify whether the Item is for Sales, Purchases, or Both.
  7. Tax: Enter the tax rate for the Item. You can adjust this in the invoice, too.
  8. Description: Write a brief description of the Item.
  9. Income: Select the income account. This account gets credited when you sell the Item.
  10. Expense: Choose the expense account. This account gets debited when you buy the Item.
  11. HSN/SAC: Enter the Harmonized System of Nomenclature/Service Accounting Code for the Item.

These fields are vital for effective inventory management and accurate financial reporting in Empress Books. By filling them out correctly, you’ll gain a clear understanding of your sales, purchases, and overall utilization of each Item.

Conclusion: How Items Enhance Your Business Processes

In a nutshell, the Items feature in Empress Books allows you to easily track your sales and purchases, and provides a solid foundation for your invoicing process. By understanding how to create and manage Items, you can streamline your business operations and make informed decisions based on accurate, up-to-date information.

For further assistance or to access more non-technical resources, please visit the Empress Books Support Center or contact our friendly support team. Happy organizing!