Efficiently Managing Your Empress Restaurant Menu


Welcome to the Empress guide series! Today, we’re focusing on a key feature for all restaurant businesses: The Restaurant Menu. This feature not only forms the core of your customer’s dining experience but also acts as a crucial tool for managing your restaurant’s offerings and pricing.

The Restaurant Menu: An Overview

The Restaurant Menu in Empress is your virtual a la carte. It’s the slate where you list all the dishes your restaurant offers. But it’s more than just a list; this feature allows you to manage your menu in real-time, adjusting the availability of dishes and setting daily rates for each item.

How to Set Up Your Restaurant Menu

Setting up your Restaurant Menu in Empress is a straightforward process:

  1. Navigate to your Empress dashboard.
  2. Locate and click on the Restaurant Menu settings.
  3. Here, you can create a new menu or modify an existing one.

Every change you make here auto-saves, and updates on your live menu.

Linking Menus to Pricing: The Price List Feature

One of the standout aspects of the Restaurant Menu feature is its integration with the Price List. When you save your Restaurant Menu, Empress automatically generates a Price List specific to that menu. The Price List links directly to your menu, providing a clear and organized overview of the prices for each dish.

This integration simplifies menu and price management, allowing you to update your offerings and their prices in one place.

The Role of the Restaurant Menu in Business Operations

From a business perspective, the Restaurant Menu feature in Empress isn’t just about giving your customers something to order from. It’s a tool for efficiency and customer satisfaction.

By providing a managed and up-to-date menu, you:

  • Maintain consistency across your restaurant’s service
  • Reduce the risk of customer dissatisfaction due to outdated pricing or unavailable dishes
  • Minimize the time spent on administrative tasks, allowing you to focus on improving customer service

In conclusion, the Restaurant Menu feature in Empress is a vital tool in your restaurant management toolkit. By making full use of it, you can streamline your operations, keep your customers happy, and ultimately, run a more successful business.

For additional resources or support, visit the Empress Help Centre or contact our dedicated support team.