Effortless Membership Management with Empress Member Feature


As a business, keeping track of memberships can be a challenging task. That’s where the Member feature in Empress comes in. This feature allows you to effortlessly manage and record details of your members, providing a comprehensive overview of memberships in your Empress database.

Introduction to the Member Feature

The Member feature is designed specifically to streamline your membership management process. Any contact in your database - an individual, a household, an organization, etc. - who holds one or more memberships can be considered a member.

The Member feature provides a user-friendly interface that enables you to create, view, edit, and track member information with ease. You can also link members to customers or suppliers, providing a holistic view of your business relationships.

Creating a New Member

The path to creating a new member is simple: Home > Non Profit > Member > New. You will then be prompted to enter the member’s details, which include:

  • Email Address: This is the member’s email address, which will be used for sending membership acknowledgments.
  • Membership Type: Here, you will select the type of membership for the member.
  • Membership Expiry Date: This field automatically pulls the membership end date details from the corresponding Membership record.

Exploring the Key Features of the Member Document

The Member feature in Empress offers a variety of useful functionalities.

Linking Members with Customer or Supplier

Empress lets you link your members to customers or suppliers. This can be particularly beneficial in the following scenarios:

  • Customer: If your members pay membership fees or make donations, you can link a member to a customer record to generate invoices and track receivables.
  • Supplier: If your members offer goods and services to your business, you can link a member to a supplier record. This allows you to create purchase invoices and maintain payables.

The Address and Contact Section allows you to link existing or add new address and contact records for the member, providing a comprehensive view of the member’s contact information.

Razorpay Details

If you’ve enabled the Enable RazorPay For Memberships option in Membership Settings, the subscription details will be displayed in the Razorpay Details section. This integration makes it easy to manage the payment process for your memberships.

Conclusion: Enhancing Business Processes with the Member Feature

In sum, the Empress Member feature is a powerful tool that simplifies membership management. By providing a place to record and track member details, link members to customers and suppliers, and manage payment processes, this feature streamlines your operations and saves you time.

For more information on using the Member feature or other non-technical resources, please visit the Empress support center or reach out to our support team directly.