Effortless Navigation with Empress' Quick Search Feature


Welcome to an in-depth look at the Quick Search feature in Empress - your go-to tool for effortless navigation. This feature is designed to streamline your workflow by allowing you to locate items within the Empress Books with ease.

Think of Quick Search as your personal assistant, capable of finding any piece of information you need within your Empress Books. Whether you’re looking for a specific document, report, page, or even a list, Quick Search has got you covered.

Activating Quick Search

Getting started with Quick Search is as easy as clicking the search button at the top of your Empress interface. For those who prefer keyboard shortcuts, you can also use Ctrl + K or Cmd + K, depending on whether you’re using a Windows or Mac operating system, respectively.

Making the Most of the Search Dialog

Once you’ve activated Quick Search, you’ll be greeted with a search dialog where you can type in whatever you’re looking for. Don’t worry about getting the exact name or spelling right - Quick Search uses a fuzzy search method, meaning it will find what you’re trying to locate even if there are minor spelling errors.

The search results will be categorized into five types, each represented by a different color:

  1. Docs (Blue): Opens the selected document.
  2. List (Teal): Opens the chosen list view.
  3. Create (Green): Opens a form to create a new entry.
  4. Report (Yellow): Opens the selected report.
  5. Page (Red): Opens the chosen page.

You can further refine your search results using filters, which we’ll discuss in the next section.

Refining Your Search with Filters

By clicking on ‘More Filters’, you’ll have access to two types of filters:

  1. Regular Filters: These colored buttons can be used to exclude certain categories from your search.
  2. Doc Filters: These blue buttons let you exclude specific types of documents from your search.

For example, deselecting ‘Doc’ in Regular Filters will exclude all document-related results from your search. Similarly, deselecting ‘Payment’ in Doc Filters will exclude all payment-related documents from your search.

Quick Search in Action

Let’s look at a few examples of how Quick Search can help you in your day-to-day business operations:

  1. Finding all Sales Invoices created for a specific customer: Simply type in “Sales Invoices Karen”, and Quick Search will pull up all Sales Invoices for Karen.
  2. Locating all Purchase Invoices containing a specific item: Enter “Purchase Invoices Jacket” to find all Purchase Invoices for the item Jacket.
  3. Tracking Payment for a specific Purchase Invoice: Enter “Payment PINV-1099” to find the Payment for Purchase Invoice PINV-1099.
  4. Pulling up all Payments received from a specific payee: Type “Payments Jack” to find all Payments received from Jack.

The beauty of Quick Search is that the order of keywords doesn’t matter. You can enter your search terms in any sequence, and Quick Search will still find what you need.

In summary, the Quick Search feature is a powerful tool that enhances your navigation experience within Empress, making it easier and faster for you to find what you need. As you continue to use Empress in your business operations, remember that Quick Search is always there to help you navigate your books more efficiently. For further assistance, please refer to our Empress User Guide.