Effortless Site Migration to Empress for Enhanced Performance


Welcome to our user-friendly guide that guides you through the process of migrating an existing site to Empress, a powerful tool that enhances your business operations. This feature is particularly useful if you need to move your digital assets to a more secure and reliable platform, or if you want to leverage the advanced functionalities of Empress for your business.

What does ‘Migrating an Existing Site’ mean?

In simple terms, ‘Migrating an Existing Site’ means moving your current website from its existing location or platform to Empress. This might be necessary for various reasons, such as improving site performance, increasing security, or integrating with other business tools that Empress offers.

How to Migrate Your Site to Empress

There are several ways to migrate your site to Empress. We’ll guide you through each method, so you can choose the one that best suits your needs.

1. Restoring from Backup Files

This method involves using backup files of your site to restore it on Empress. Here’s how:

  • First, download the backup files of your site.
  • Then, go to the Sites tab in your Empress Dashboard and click on New Site.
  • Fill in the subdomain and select the version.
  • Next, click on Create Site from Backup and upload your backup files.
  • Choose a Plan and click on Create Site.
  • Once the site is set up, you can restore your site config’s details.

This method is perfect for backup files that are under 200MB. If your files are larger, consider using the bench command.

Important: When restoring from a backup, you might need to copy your encryption key into the site config to use existing passwords. If you’ve lost your previous key, simply re-enter the password in the necessary fields.

2. Migrating Using Site URL

You can also move your site to Empress by using the site’s URL. Here’s how:

  • Go to the Restore from Existing Site step.
  • Enter your existing site URL and old site user credentials.
  • Click on Get Backups.

The Get Backups function will fetch backup files from your old site and restore them on Empress.

3. Migrating Using Bench

If you have the bench tool installed, you can use a simple command to move your site from your bench to Empress. This is a very convenient method and can be done from your local setup or server.

4. Migrating Using Python Script

If you’re using an older version of Empress or the bench command isn’t working, you can use the Python script method. This involves running a few commands from your bench directory, which will help migrate your site to Empress.


Migrating your existing site to Empress is a straightforward process that offers significant benefits. By moving your site to Empress, you can leverage our advanced tools, improve your site performance, and enhance your business operations. If you need further assistance, please refer to our non-technical resources or reach out to our support team.