Effortlessly Creating Appointment Letters with Empress


Welcome to our easy-to-follow, business-centered guide on creating appointment letters in Empress. An appointment letter is a document you send to a candidate you’ve chosen to hire, offering them a specific position in your company. With Empress, you can conveniently generate these letters and distribute them to your new hires.

What is an Appointment Letter?

An Appointment Letter is an official document from you, the employer, that confirms a job offer to a selected candidate. It provides the specifics of the role, including the start date and the terms of employment. It’s an essential part of the hiring process, and Empress makes it simple to create.

Getting Started

Before you start creating an Appointment Letter, you’ll need to have the following:

  • Job Applicant: The person you’re offering the role to. The name of the applicant needs to be in your Empress system.

Creating Your Appointment Letter

Here’s how you can create an Appointment Letter in Empress:

  1. From your Empress dashboard, go to Home > Human Resource > Recruitment > Appointment Letter.
  2. Once you’re on the Appointment Letter page, click on New.
  3. Select the name of the Job Applicant from the drop-down menu, and specify the Appointment Date.
  4. Fill out the Introduction, Terms, and Closing Statement sections. You can either write these manually or use an Appointment Letter Template to fill in these areas automatically. If you often send out similar letters, creating a template can save you time.
  5. When you’re done filling out the letter, click on Save.
  6. After you’ve saved the letter, you can view it as a PDF by going to Print View. From there, you can download the letter to your computer.

Remember: You can only create an Appointment Letter for a Job Applicant who’s already in your system.

Using Appointment Letter Templates

If you regularly send out similar appointment letters, you can save time by creating an Appointment Letter Template. Here’s how:

  1. Go to the Appointment Letter Template page by clicking on New.
  2. Fill out the Introduction, Terms, and Closing Statement sections with the text you want to include in your template.
  3. Click on Save to keep this template for future use.

When you’re creating a new Appointment Letter, you can select this template from a drop-down menu to fill in the text automatically.

Printing Your Appointment Letter

Empress offers several print formats, including a standard format, for your Appointment Letter. You can view these options in the Print View.


Creating appointment letters is an integral part of the hiring process, and Empress streamlines this task for you. By using the intuitive interface, you can quickly generate and distribute these important documents to your new hires.

For more detailed information, please refer to the Empress user manual or contact our support team for assistance.