Effortlessly Fetch Data Across Documents with Empress


In the course of your business operations, you may find yourself tracking certain information across multiple documents. For example, you might capture a customer’s PO Number and PO Date in a Sales Order, and later want to include these details in the Sales Invoice. To do this effectively, you need to leverage the data fetching feature in Empress.

Understanding Data Fetching in Empress

Empress has an intuitive data fetching feature that enables you to automatically carry over data from one document to another based on field names. This capability is centered around the concept of data mapping.

In Empress, if two transactions have fields with identical names, their values are mapped and fetched automatically. This means that the data entered in one document is seamlessly transferred to the other, saving you from manual data entry and potential errors.

Here’s a practical example:

Let’s say you want to fetch the Customer’s PO No. and PO Date from the Sales Order and include these details in the Sales Invoice. To achieve this, you need to create custom fields in the Sales Invoice with the exact same names as in the Sales Order. Now, when you create a new Sales Invoice from a Sales Order, the PO details are fetched automatically and populate the corresponding fields in the Sales Invoice.

How to Use Data Fetching Feature

  • Step 1: Create the custom fields in the Sales Invoice. Ensure the field names are identical to those in the Sales Order.
  • Step 2: Navigate to the Sales Order from which you want to create a Sales Invoice.
  • Step 3: Create a new Sales Invoice. The system will automatically fetch the values from the Sales Order and populate the corresponding fields in the Sales Invoice.

The Benefits of Data Fetching

The data fetching feature in Empress is a powerful tool that dramatically enhances efficiency in your business operations. By automatically populating fields across different documents, it:

  • Reduces manual data entry: This not only saves time but also minimizes the risk of human error.
  • Ensures data consistency: By fetching data automatically, it ensures that the information in your invoices always matches the details in the original sales orders.
  • Improves operational efficiency: With accurate, consistent data, your business processes become more streamlined and efficient.

Data fetching in Empress is just one of the many features designed to make your business operations smoother and more efficient. For more helpful guides and resources, please visit our support site or contact our customer service team.