Effortlessly Locate Documents Using Empress Tags


Tags in Empress offer you an effortless way to categorize, sort, and track your documents. They work just like labels, helping you to organize your documents in a manner that makes sense for your business operations.

What are Tags and Why are they Useful

In Empress, each document type is known as a DocType. You can add any tag to a DocType. Think of these tags as identifiers or markers that you can attach to your documents.

These tags can then be used as filters when you’re browsing through your documents. For instance, you might have hundreds of documents but need to quickly find all the ones related to a specific project or client. By using tags, you can filter and find these documents in an instant, saving you valuable time and effort.

How to Find Documents with a Specific Tag

Finding all documents with a specific tag is a breeze in Empress. Simply type "#tagname" in the global search bar found at the top of your Empress interface.

Let’s say you’ve tagged some documents as “project 19”. To find these documents, you’d type #project 19 into the search bar. All documents tagged with “project 19” will appear in the search results. This powerful search feature allows you to easily locate exactly what you’re looking for.

Generating Reports using Tags

Tags in Empress aren’t just for organizing and finding documents. You can also use them when generating reports.

Imagine you’re creating a report and wish to include only documents tagged with a certain term. You can use these tags as filters in your reports, enabling you to analyze specific subsets of your data. This adds another level of customization to your data analysis, allowing you to focus on the information that matters most to your business.


Tags in Empress allow you to streamline the organization and retrieval of your documents. Whether you’re sorting through a list of documents, searching for specific files, or generating tailored reports, tags make these tasks more efficient and less time-consuming.

To learn more about how to use tags and other features in Empress, refer to our user-friendly guides and guides available in the help center. For further assistance, don’t hesitate to contact our support team.