Effortlessly Managing Student Assessments with Empress



In the world of education, regular and accurate student assessments are essential. Empress offers a comprehensive feature that allows you to manage your institution’s entire assessment process seamlessly. This guide will guide you on how to use this feature effectively, breaking down complex tasks into simple, manageable steps.

Feature Name: Assessment Module

The Assessment Module in Empress is designed to help you organize and conduct student assessments efficiently. It offers a user-friendly platform for defining assessment criteria, scheduling examinations, and generating comprehensive student assessment results.

Setting up Masters in the Assessment Module

Masters are a crucial part of the Assessment Module, helping streamline your student evaluation process. The three main masters you’ll need to define include:

  1. Assessment Criteria: These are the specific areas or factors you’ll be evaluating students on. For example, this could be “Understanding of Subject Matter,” “Class Participation,” or “Assignment Completion.”

  2. Assessment Group: This allows you to categorize assessments, making it easier to manage multiple assessments simultaneously. For instance, you could create groups based on the subject or grade level.

  3. Grading Scale: This defines the various grades that can be awarded to students based on their performance. You can customize this scale to fit your institution’s standard grading system.

By defining these elements, you establish a well-structured and organized approach to student assessments.

Scheduling Examinations or Assessments

After defining the Student Group and Courses, you can schedule an examination or assessment. This is done by creating an Assessment Plan. The Assessment Plan details the specifics of the examination, such as the date, time, and criteria for assessment.

Creating Assessment Results

Once the assessment has been conducted, you can generate an Assessment Result for each student. Empress makes this process even more efficient with the Assessment Result Tool, which allows for bulk creation of Assessment Results.

When you select the relevant Assessment Plan in the Assessment Result Tool, all students linked to the chosen Student Group are automatically populated. This allows you to quickly input marks earned by each student for each Assessment Criterion in a single row.


With Empress’ Assessment Module, managing student assessments becomes streamlined and efficient, saving valuable time and ensuring accuracy. This feature enhances your institution’s assessment processes, allowing you to focus more on educational development rather than administrative tasks.

For additional support or information, please refer to our non-technical resources or contact our support team. We’re here to help you make the most of Empress for your educational institution.