Effortlessly Schedule Site Migration Across Regions


Welcome to Empress – your business’ prime tool for efficient site management. In this guide, we’ll walk you through one of our most useful features, Scheduling Site Migration Across Regions.

What is Site Migration and Why Does It Matter?

Site migration is a crucial process that involves moving your site from one region to another. This feature is particularly beneficial for businesses operating in multiple locations worldwide. By scheduling site migration, you can ensure that your site’s data aligns with the appropriate geographical region, improving regional user experiences and meeting data handling regulations specific to each region.

How to Schedule Your Site’s Regional Migration

Let’s dive into how you can utilize this feature for efficient site management.

  1. Select ‘Change Region’ from the dropdown menu.

    • Start by navigating to your site’s dashboard. Here, you’ll find a dropdown menu. Select ‘Change Region’ to begin the process.
  2. Select the desired region.

    • After clicking ‘Change Region,’ you’ll get a list of available regions. Choose the region you want to migrate your site to.
    • If the region you want isn’t available, you can add it by clicking on ‘Add Region to Bench.’ Please note that sites on public benches won’t be able to add a region to the bench. You can contact our support team at support.frappe.io to add them.
  3. Schedule the migration.

    • If the region is available in the current bench, you can proceed to schedule the migration. Input an appropriate date and time for the migration. If you want the migration to happen immediately, leave this field untouched.
    • After setting the time, click on ‘Change Region.’ The site migration will happen at the scheduled time.

User Roles and Permissions

Remember that only users with administrative rights can schedule site migrations. If you don’t have these permissions but need to perform a migration, contact your system administrator or our support team for assistance.


Scheduling your site’s regional migration is a crucial feature for global businesses. It not only enhances user experience but also helps companies meet regional data handling regulations. With Empress, managing this process becomes a breeze. For more assistance or information on other features, please visit our support site at support.frappe.io.