Embedding Videos, Issuing Certificates, and Accepting Payments on Empress


Welcome to this business-focused guide on utilizing Empress’s features to improve your course offerings. Today, we’ll explore how to Embed YouTube Videos, Issue Certificates, and Set Up Payments with Razorpay. These features are designed to enrich your course content, validate your students’ learning, and streamline your revenue collection.

Embedding a YouTube Video in a Lesson or Course Preview

Empress makes it easy to add a dynamic preview or lesson video to your course. This can significantly improve student engagement and give potential enrollees a glimpse of what they can expect from your course. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. First, upload your video to YouTube.
  2. Once your video is live, click on the ‘share’ icon directly below the video. This will bring up an ‘embed’ option.
  3. Clicking on ‘embed’ will reveal iframe code. Copy the link within the iframe’s source (src) attribute.
  4. Finally, paste this link into the Preview Video Link field if you’re editing a course, or the YouTube Video ID field if you’re working on a lesson.

With these steps, you have successfully added a YouTube video to your Empress course or lesson.

Issuing a Certificate to Students Upon Course Completion

Certificates are a great way to officially acknowledge your students’ accomplishments and skills. With Empress, you can automatically issue certificates to students once they complete a course. Here’s how:

  1. Go to the LMS Course section within Empress.
  2. Open the course that you want to associate with a certificate.
  3. Look for the Certification section and click on Enable Certification.
  4. You can optionally set an expiration period for the certificate in years. If you input ‘0,’ the certificate will never expire.
  5. Ensure the Grant Certificate After option is set to Completion.
  6. Save your changes to finalize the certification setup.

Once you’ve configured the settings, your students will receive a certificate upon completing the course.

Setting Up a Razorpay Account on Empress

In order to collect payments for your courses, you need to set up a payment gateway. Empress integrates seamlessly with Razorpay, a popular payment gateway. Follow these steps to set up your Razorpay account on Empress:

  1. Go to the LMS Settings section and open the ‘Payment Settings’ tab.
  2. Enter your Razorpay Key and Razorpay Secret details.
  3. Save your settings to finish the setup.

After saving these settings, you are ready to accept payments for your courses through Razorpay.

By learning to harness these features, you can make your Empress courses more engaging, rewarding, and profitable. These features provide a comprehensive package to manage and improve your online courses. For more assistance or information about Empress’s features, please visit our non-technical resources or contact our support team.