Empower Your Fiscal Management with Empress


Once the new fiscal year is created by Empress, you can view and edit its information as needed. Here’s how:

  1. On the Empress dashboard, go to the Finance tab.
  2. Click on Fiscal Years.
  3. You’ll see a list of all fiscal years. The newly created fiscal year will be at the top of the list.
  4. To view details, click on the specific fiscal year.
  5. To edit, click on the Edit button next to the fiscal year. Make the necessary changes and save.

Sorting and Tracking Fiscal Year Information

With Empress, you can easily sort and track fiscal year information to better manage your finances.

  1. Under the Fiscal Years section, click on the Sort button at the top right corner of the list.
  2. You can sort fiscal years by Year, Start Date, or End Date.
  3. For tracking, you can use the Status column, which shows if the fiscal year is Active, Pending, or Closed.

User Roles and Permissions

Different roles have different permissions for fiscal year management in Empress:

  • Admins can view, edit, and manage all fiscal years.
  • Managers can view and edit fiscal year information, but cannot create or delete fiscal years.
  • Employees can only view fiscal year information.

This role-based access provides a secure environment for fiscal year management.


The automated creation of a new fiscal year in Empress simplifies financial management, ensuring timely, efficient, and consistent fiscal operations. This feature not only saves your team time and effort but also helps avoid manual errors. By understanding and utilizing this feature, you can enhance your financial management processes.

For additional non-technical resources or support, visit the Empress Help Center or contact our support team. Remember, Empress is here to make your business operations more streamlined and efficient.