Empowering HR Management with Empress Auto Attendance


Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to use the Auto Attendance feature in Empress. This feature is designed to simplify your business operations by automating the attendance marking process for your employees. With Auto Attendance, you can easily track your employees’ work hours and attendance, making it a crucial tool for human resource management.

What is Auto Attendance?

Auto Attendance is a feature in Empress that automatically marks the attendance for employees based on their assigned shifts. It uses information from the Employee Checkin document and the Auto Attendance Settings of each shift. Please note that a Shift Type must be set up and assigned to employees before creating ‘Employee Checkin’ records.

Setting Up Auto Attendance

1. Define Shift Type with Auto Attendance Enabled

The first step in setting up Auto Attendance is to define a Shift Type with Auto Attendance enabled.

2. Assign Shifts to Employees

Next, you need to assign the shift to your employees. This can be done in one of two ways:

  • Shift Assignment: This method allows you to assign shifts to employees on a daily basis using the Shift Assignment document.
  • Default Shift: This method lets you set a default shift for an employee for all days. You can do this by adjusting the following field in the Employee details: Employee > Attendance and Leave Details > Default Shift

Please note that Shift Assignment takes precedence over the Default Shift. If both are set for an employee, the system will prioritize the assigned shift over the default shift.

3. Setup Attendance Device ID Field in Employee Details

If you use biometric systems, each of your employees will have a unique ID. To map these IDs to your employees, set the following field with the correct value: Employee > Attendance and Leave Details > Attendance Device ID (Biometric/RF tag ID)

4. Import or Sync Employee Checkins

After completing the above steps, you can import or sync your Employee Checkin data and start generating attendance automatically.

Utilizing Auto Attendance: Frequently Asked Questions

How are a Shift’s Actual Start and End Timings Determined?

The actual start and end timings for a shift are determined by the start and end times specified in the shift settings, as well as the buffer time allowed for check-ins and check-outs.

When is Attendance Marked Automatically for a Particular Shift?

Auto Attendance attempts to mark attendance for each ‘Shift Type’ record every hour. You can also trigger the auto attendance manually for a single shift type by pressing the ‘Mark Auto Attendance’ button in the Shift Type document.

How Does Auto Attendance Determine Shift for an Employee?

The shift of an employee on a particular date is determined by the shift assigned to them on that date in the ‘Shift Assignment’ document, or by the ‘Default Shift’ field in the ‘Employee’ document if no specific assignment is found.

How Does Auto Attendance Determine Holiday List for an Employee?

The Holiday List for an employee is determined by the ‘Shift Type’, the ‘Employee’ document, or the ‘Company’ document, in that order.

How Does Auto Attendance Calculate Working Hours?

Working hours are calculated based on settings in the Shift Type setup. The system uses the check-in and check-out times, along with the method specified for calculating working hours.


The Auto Attendance feature in Empress is a powerful tool that simplifies the task of tracking employee attendance and work hours. Its automated nature saves time and reduces the chance of human error, making your business operations more efficient and reliable.

For more information or support, please refer to our comprehensive user guides or contact our support team. We’re here to help you make the most out of Empress, so don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. Happy Empressing!