Empowering Learning with Empress: Course Creation & Role Management


Welcome to Empress, the Learning Management System (LMS) that can revolutionize your company’s training and development process. Here, we will delve into the feature of Course Creation and how it interacts with the user roles of Course Instructor and Course Moderator.

Understanding Empress User Roles

Before we get started with creating courses, it’s important to understand the two key roles in Empress:

  1. Course Instructor
  2. Course Moderator

What is a Course Instructor?

A Course Instructor in Empress is a user who has been granted the ability to create a course. However, Course Instructors cannot publish the courses they create on their own. Their editing rights are limited to the courses they have personally crafted.

What is a Course Moderator?

A Course Moderator is a user with a higher set of permissions. They have the authority to edit and modify any courses created by any user. This role enables them to review courses made by others, and if the course meets the necessary standards, they can publish it.

How Course Creation Works in Empress

In Empress, the flexibility of course creation is a key feature. The ability to create a course can be granted to all users or limited to only those with the Course Instructor role. This setting is managed by the Admin through the Empress Settings.

Once a user is granted the permission to create courses, they will find a Create a Course button on their dashboard.

Course Instructors can then kick-start the course creation process on their portal. However, they can’t directly publish the course. They can only submit the course for review.

Once a course is submitted for review, a Course Moderator steps in. They can access the submitted course via the Under Review tab on their dashboard. The Course Moderator can edit any part of the course and suggest changes. If they are satisfied with the course’s quality and content, they can publish it. They are also able to set the course as upcoming, or even unpublish a course that has already been published.

Course Moderators also have the power to manage user roles. They can visit a user’s profile page and modify their roles.


In essence, the Course Creation feature in Empress allows for a comprehensive and dynamic learning management system. The different user roles ensure a thorough review process, maintaining the quality of courses and providing a robust learning environment for your employees. It’s a powerful tool to enhance your business’s training and development processes.

For further details or assistance, feel free to explore our support resources or contact our support team.