Empress and Pivot Energy: Partnership Proposal

Empress and Pivot Energy

Dear Pivot Energy Team,

We are thrilled to introduce Empress, a comprehensive business suite dedicated to simplifying and empowering business operations. Our mission is to provide efficient management, growth, and adaptation solutions that integrate seamlessly with existing tools and our values align remarkably with your Triple Bottom Line (3BL) approach. We believe there is a significant opportunity for collaboration our companies, with the potential to enhance our mutual growth and contribute to our #DiamondClub initiative.

Mutual Business Growth

Empress offers strong capabilities in robust data analytics, workflow design, and customizable experiences, which could be invaluable to your distributed energy platform and your broad commercial solar ecosystem. Our user-friendly suite could assist in further optimizing your operations, reducing stress, and allowing your team to focus even more on your mission of a cleaner approach to power generation.

By integrating Empress into your business model, we can help to streamline your service delivery, project management, and financial oversight, enhancing your efficiency and profitability. We foresee a collaboration that empowers both companies to grow and adapt in an increasingly digital and interconnected business environment.

For more information about Empress and our services, please visit our website: Empress

#DiamondClub Initiative

Beyond mutual business growth, we are excited about the potential for Pivot Energy to contribute to our #DiamondClub initiative. This community-driven movement is dedicated to global change and achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), emphasizing innovation, inclusivity, and sustainability - values we see embodied in Pivot Energy.

As a solar energy company, your commitment to a decentralized, cleaner power generation aligns perfectly with our goals. Your involvement could bring invaluable expertise and perspective to our community, inspiring further innovation and progress towards sustainable energy solutions.

In return, Empress and the #DiamondClub community could provide a platform for Pivot Energy to showcase your leadership in sustainable energy, promoting your brand among like-minded companies and consumers.


In Empress, we believe we have found a potential partner whose commitment to people, planet, and profit mirrors our own. We are excited about the possibility of working together to achieve mutual business growth and contribute to a more sustainable and inclusive world.

We look forward to exploring this opportunity further with you.


The Empress Team