Empress and Tessi Consulting: Partnership Proposal

Empress and Tessi Consulting


We believe that a collaboration Empress and Tessi Consulting could lead to a symbiotic growth for both companies while simultaneously contributing to the #DiamondClub initiative, a worldwide movement dedicated to global change and achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Empress is a comprehensive, stress-free business suite focused on simplifying and empowering business operations. Our user-friendly suite integrates seamlessly with existing tools, providing robust data analytics, workflow design, and customizable experiences. We help companies manage, grow, and adapt their business operations with ease, reducing stress and allowing them to focus on success.

Tessi Consulting is a diversity firm committed to facilitating diversity, equity, and inclusion journeys for midsize US and global corporations. With offerings such as DEI assessments, strategy and roadmapping, DEI training, and more, Tessi Consulting is making real strides in creating inclusive workplaces.

Collaborative Opportunities

Given the alignment of our business models and missions, we propose the following collaborative opportunities:

  1. Integration of DEI Assessment Tools: Empress can integrate Tessi Consulting’s DEI assessment tools into our business suite. This will allow our clients to conduct DEI assessments seamlessly, leading to more inclusive workplaces.

  2. DEI Training for Empress Staff: Empress is committed to maintaining a diverse and inclusive workplace. Tessi Consulting can provide DEI training to our staff, helping us further this commitment.

  3. Promotion of Tessi Consulting’s Services: Empress can promote Tessi Consulting’s services to our clients, many of whom are businesses in need of DEI services.

  4. Collaboration on the #DiamondClub Initiative: Both Empress and Tessi Consulting share a commitment to innovation, inclusivity, and sustainability. We can collaborate on projects within the #DiamondClub initiative, using our combined skills and resources to make a bigger impact.


A collaboration Empress and Tessi Consulting would not only lead to business growth for both companies, but also contribute significantly to the #DiamondClub initiative. We are excited about the potential of this collaboration and are eager to discuss this proposal further.

For more information about Empress and the #DiamondClub initiative, please visit Empress.

Looking forward to your positive response.

[email protected]