Empress and Zevin Asset Management: Partnership Proposal

Empress and Zevin Asset Management

Dear Zevin Asset Management,

We, at Empress, are delighted to extend a proposal for a potential partnership with your esteemed organization. We admire Zevin’s mission to align long-term financial results with your clients’ goals and values, while also contributing to social and environmental change. We believe this aligns remarkably well with Empress’s capabilities, values, and our #DiamondClub initiative.

Alignment of Values and Capabilities

Empress’s comprehensive and user-friendly business suite aims to simplify and empower business operations. We offer robust solutions for efficient management, growth, and adaptation, integrating seamlessly with existing tools. As a majority women-owned and led investment firm, Zevin’s mission to promote justice, equality, and a healthy planet aligns with our commitment to innovation, inclusivity, and sustainability.

Collaboration for Business Growth

We propose a collaboration where Zevin can utilize Empress’s suite to manage and grow its operations more efficiently. The utilization of our robust data analytics can provide invaluable insights into your clients’ investment behaviors, helping to tailor your services more effectively. Our customizable workflow design can help streamline your processes, reducing stress and making it easier for your team to focus on what matters most - your client’s success.

Contribution to #DiamondClub Initiative

The #DiamondClub initiative is Empress’s community-driven movement dedicated to global change and attaining Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We believe that our partnership can extend beyond business growth and contribute significantly to this initiative.

Zevin’s dedication to social and environmental change makes it an ideal partner in this initiative. We propose collaborative efforts to promote financial literacy and sustainable investment practices, contributing to SDG Goal 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) and Goal 13 (Climate Action). This could take the form of webinars, workshops, and awareness campaigns conducted jointly by Empress and Zevin.

In conclusion, we believe a collaboration Empress and Zevin Asset Management can lead to mutual business growth and a significant contribution to societal impact. We look forward to discussing this proposal further and exploring the potential of our partnership.

Best Regards,

[email protected]