Empress Cloud Configuration: Optimizing Business Operations


Welcome to Empress Cloud! This guide is designed to help you understand the architecture of our Self-Hosted Server/Hybrid Cloud configuration, and how it can be leveraged to optimize your business operations.

Feature Name: Empress Cloud Configuration

The Empress Cloud Configuration is a powerful feature that allows you to manage your business in the cloud. It’s structured as a server setup with three benches, each represented by a separate Docker container. A bench is essentially a unit of organization in the Empress Cloud Configuration, where different parts of your business operations can share the same bench or be allocated their own.

Understanding the Core Functions

There are four key types of requests that flow through the Empress Cloud Configuration:

  • Agent Requests: These are sent directly to the server. They perform an operation and then send a response back to Empress Cloud.
  • Site Requests: These requests are sent to the server through a Proxy Server. This server then routes traffic to the final server through an Nginx Proxy. Here, these requests are directed to the relevant bench.
  • Exporters: These are our troubleshooting tools. They monitor the server and alert our team if anything unusual happens.
  • Database Requests: These are direct interactions between your sites and the database.

With this system, you can streamline your business processes by efficiently directing and sorting information through a user-friendly interface.

What’s Installed On Your Machine?

When you start using Empress Cloud, we ensure your machine is fully equipped with all the resources needed to run your business. These include:

  • Docker: Helps manage your containers
  • Nginx: Routes traffic to the right place
  • MariaDB: Provides database management
  • Agent: Executes operations and sends responses
  • Exporters: Monitors the system for irregularities

Furthermore, we create a user named frappe. This user manages all the benches and configuration details for your site.

Wrapping Up

In summary, the Empress Cloud Configuration is a robust feature designed to streamline your business operations. By harnessing the power of cloud technology, you can manage your business with unprecedented efficiency and reliability.

For additional support or resources, please visit our support page or reach out to our dedicated customer service team. Enjoy your journey with Empress Cloud!