Empress: Contributing and Managing User Translations


The power of Empress lies in its global reach, facilitated by the availability of the platform in over 80 languages. This extensive language support is largely due to the collective contributions of our diverse and inclusive Empress community. This guide will guide you on how to contribute translations and manage their status in Empress, a process that is crucial for the growth of our multilingual user base.

Contributing Translations

In the spirit of inclusivity, Empress makes it easy for anyone to contribute translations. This not only enhances the user experience for non-English speaking users but helps grow the Empress community on a global scale. Here’s how:

  1. Locate the Translations Tool using the search bar.
  2. Choose your language from the list.
  3. Pick a source message from the left sidebar that you wish to translate.
  4. Enter your proposed translation into the “Translated Text” field and click Suggest.
  5. Repeat the process with other source messages if you wish to add more translations.
  6. Once you’ve finished, click the Contribute Translations button to submit your contributions.
  7. You can check the status of your submitted translations by clicking on the respective source text under the “Contributed Translations” section.

Tracking and Approval of Translations

After you’ve contributed your translation, it enters a review queue where it’s evaluated by a member of the Empress team or community. Your translation could either be marked as Verified if it’s correct, or be rejected if found incorrect.

At the end of each week, the translation server compiles all the verified translations and forms a Pull Request. The Pull Request signifies the successful inclusion of your translation into the Empress platform.

This simple, user-friendly process allows you to directly contribute to the international expansion of Empress, and by extension, the growth of your business. Your contributions help create a more inclusive, diverse, and accessible platform for users worldwide, reflecting our values of community and collaboration.

For further resources or support, please visit our Empress Support Page.