Empress Database Access: Enhancing Business Operations


In this user-friendly guide, we’ll walk you through the process of accessing and connecting to your Empress database. This feature is available to business users on plans priced at USD 50 and above. The ability to interact with your database can enhance your business operations, allowing you to leverage data in your decision-making processes.

Part 1: Enabling Database Access

This step is all about granting access to your database. Here’s how you do it:

  1. Sign in and go to your Site Dashboard.
  2. Find and click on the Database option, then select Access.

You’ll be asked to choose the type of access you require if this is your first time using this feature. Once you’ve made your selection, click Enable Access. You will then be presented with the credentials needed to connect to your database.

Part 2: Connecting to Your Database

Now that you have your credentials, you can connect to your database. There are two possible ways to do this:

Option A: Using an Analytics or Business Intelligence Tool

If you’re using an analytics tool, all you need to do is copy the credentials provided to your tool. Please remember that we only support connections that use TLS. If you encounter any connection issues, check if your analytics tool is using SSL/TLS and our certificate for *.frappe.cloud.

Option B: Using a MariaDB/MySQL Command Line Client

For this option, simply copy the command provided to your console and supply the password when asked. You will need to have the mariadb-client or mysql-client installed on your machine.

Please note that if you have read-write access to your database, any changes you make will be permanent, affecting your business data directly.

Troubleshooting: Connection Issues with PowerBI

If you’re experiencing difficulties connecting to the database with PowerBI, it might be because you’re using the MySQL Connector. Since our databases use MariaDB, you should use the MariaDB connector with PowerBI. For detailed instructions on this, please refer to the MariaDB Direct Query Adapter for Microsoft Power BI guide.


The ability to access and connect to your Empress database is a powerful feature that can enhance your business processes by enabling you to utilize and manipulate your data efficiently. For more non-technical resources or support, please visit our Help Center.