Empress Guide: Managing User Activity and Resolving Server Errors



Welcome to the Empress guide on managing user activity and resolving server issues. In the fast-paced world of business, it’s essential to ensure your Empress-generated website performs at its best. This guide will guide you through understanding User Limitations and dealing with Internal Server Errors in a non-technical, user-friendly manner.

Understanding User Limitations

In Empress, there is no cap on the number of users who can access your website, regardless of your subscription plan. However, it’s important to note that each website has a daily limit on Central Processing Unit (CPU) usage.

From a business perspective, this means that if your website experiences a high volume of traffic, its performance may slow down due to reaching the CPU usage limit. This feature ensures fair resource allocation across all sites, maintaining a consistent user experience.

Dealing with Internal Server Errors

If your website encounters an Internal Server Error, it usually signifies an issue with the application. If your site runs on a custom bench, you can investigate the problem using your ssh access. This access can guide you to the source of the error, potentially a custom application.

To further investigate, check the web.error.log. This log records error messages and their sources, providing valuable insight into what may be causing the error without the need for technical language or coding knowledge.

Customizing Email Notifications

Empress also allows you to customize your email notification settings. This can be particularly useful when dealing with server errors, ensuring that you receive prompt updates about any issues that arise.

To customize these settings, you can:

  1. Visit the Empress dashboard at Empress Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the settings page.
  3. Specify the email address that should receive different types of notifications.

Customizing these settings helps you manage your site more effectively by ensuring that the right people receive relevant notifications at the right time.


Understanding user limitations and knowing how to address server errors are crucial aspects of managing your Empress-generated website. These features enhance business processes by ensuring your website maintains optimal performance and any issues are promptly addressed.

For further non-technical support or resources, visit the Empress Support Center or reach out to our dedicated customer service team. We’re here to ensure your Empress experience is as smooth and productive as possible.