Empress Guide: Streamlining Document Management with Company-wise Naming Series


In today’s business world, managing multiple companies under one umbrella has become increasingly common. As someone using Empress for business operations, you might need to create unique identifiers or naming series for documents associated with each of your companies. The Company-wise Naming Series feature in Empress allows you to do just that. This guide will guide you through the process in a simple, user-friendly manner.

What is the Company-wise Naming Series Feature?

The Company-wise Naming Series feature allows you to establish separate naming conventions for different companies. This means that you can create unique identifiers for each company’s documents, such as Sales Invoices and Purchase Orders. This is especially useful in a multi-company setup, where distinguishing between companies’ documents can be crucial for maintaining organized records.

How to Use the Company-wise Naming Series Feature

Let’s walk through the steps of customizing the naming series for different companies. For this example, we will use three companies: Company A, Company B, and Company C.

Step 1: Choose the Document Type

To begin, navigate to the type of document (DocType) that you want to customize the naming series for. Once there, open its Customize Form. For this example, we will choose Sales Invoice as our DocType.

Step 2: Add a New Field

Next, you need to add a new field. Below the Company field, add another field and name it Abbr. In the Fetch From box, type in company.abbr. This field can be hidden if you prefer.

Step 3: Update the Naming Series

Navigate to the Naming Series row within the Customize Form and expand it. In the Options box, add a new entry on a new line: SINV-.abbr.-.#### (assuming Sales Invoice is your DocType). Set this as the default naming option.

Once you have completed this step, click on Update.

Step 4: Verify the Changes

To verify your changes, navigate to Sales Invoice and create a new one. As you select a Company, you will notice the Naming Series automatically updates based on the company’s abbreviation.


The Company-wise Naming Series feature in Empress provides a practical solution to the challenge of managing documents across multiple companies. It allows you to maintain a high level of organization and efficiency in your document management system. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily customize the naming series for each of your companies.

For additional support or information, please refer to the Empress user guide or reach out to our customer service team.