Empress Guide: Streamlining Transactions with Party Specific Item


Welcome to this user-friendly guide on Party Specific Item feature in Empress, specifically designed for business users. This feature allows you to set specific restrictions on items based on their name, brand, or group, offering a highly tailored experience for your customers and suppliers in sales or purchase transactions.

Introduction to Party Specific Item

The Party Specific Item feature is essentially a tool for inventory control and transaction management. It allows you to ensure that the right items are reaching the right parties, thus enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and customer satisfaction in your business operations.

Understanding The Form Fields

When you access the Party Specific Item feature, you will be presented with a form to fill out. Each field on the form has a unique purpose:

  • Party Type: This field indicates the entity to which the restriction will apply. You can select either Customer or Supplier.

  • Party: This field allows you to specify a particular customer or supplier, depending on the option you select for the Party Type.

  • Restrict Items Based On: This field allows you to set the basis for the restriction. You can restrict items to a particular customer or supplier based on one of the following attributes: Item Group, Brand, or Item.

  • Based On Value: This field provides options that depend on the attribute you choose in the Restrict Items Based On field.

How to Use Party Specific Item in Your Business

Here’s how you can use the Party Specific Item feature in your everyday business operations:

  1. Access the Party Specific Item feature and fill out the form.
  2. Select the appropriate Party Type and specify the Party.
  3. Choose the attribute in the Restrict Items Based On field.
  4. Finally, select the appropriate Based On Value.

With these steps, you can streamline your inventory and transaction processes, ensuring the right items are delivered to the right parties.


The Party Specific Item feature is a powerful tool in Empress, designed to provide you with flexibility and control in your business operations. It helps in ensuring accuracy, enhancing efficiency, and providing a tailored experience for your customers and suppliers.

For further non-technical support or resources, feel free to reach out to our customer support or access our comprehensive user guide. Empower your business with Empress today!