Empress: Implementing Validation Rules for Efficient Workflow


Welcome! Today, we’re going to guide you through setting up a validation rule for Material Requests in Empress. This feature plays a crucial role in managing your business operations. It ensures that certain users follow the prescribed process, which helps maintain order and efficiency in your workflow.

Feature Name: Validation Rule for Material Requests

The validation rule feature in Empress will allow you to set up specific controls for your team. In this guide, we’re going to create a rule that ensures that a specific user can only select the “Material Receipt” option in the ‘Purpose’ field when making a Material Request.

Primary Functions and Benefits

The validation rule for Material Requests offers several benefits:

  • Regulation of User Activities: The rule ensures that specific users can only select certain options, maintaining consistency and order in your operations.
  • Customized Workflow: This feature can be tailored to suit your specific business needs – you can set up different rules for different users.
  • User-friendly Interface: The validation rule feature is easy to use and understand, even if you don’t have a background in coding.

How to Set Up a Validation Rule

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set up this validation rule:

  1. Access the Material Request Form: This is the form where the validation rule will be applied.

  2. Set Up an Event Listener: This will trigger when the Material Request form is validated.

  3. Check Conditions: The system will check if the logged-in user is the specific user (in this case, [email protected]) and if the ‘Purpose’ field is not set to “Material Receipt”.

  4. Execute Action: If the conditions are met, a message will pop up, informing the user that they are only allowed to select “Material Receipt”.

  5. Handle Exceptions: The system will prevent the form from being submitted if the conditions are not met.

User Roles and Permissions

With this feature, you can manage user roles and permissions effectively. You can set up the system to ensure that certain users can only perform specific actions. This not only maintains order but also prevents any unauthorized activities.

Conclusion: Enhancing Business Processes

Setting up a validation rule for Material Requests in Empress is a practical way to streamline your workflow. It ensures that your team follows the intended process, which in turn boosts efficiency and productivity.

For further assistance or queries, feel free to reach out to our support team or refer to our additional, non-technical resources. Happy Empressing!