Empress Insights: Mastering Queries for Data Visualization


Welcome to our guide! Today, we’ll walk you through one of the most crucial features of Empress Insights: the Query. This feature is your key to unlocking the full potential of your data, allowing you to summarize, filter, and visualize it in ways that can inform and transform your business decisions.

What is a Query?

In Empress Insights, a query is a tool that lets you summarize your data. Once you’ve created a query, you can use it to create visualizations and dashboards, giving you a clearer picture of your data and its implications for your business.

Creating a Query

Creating a new query is simple. Just navigate to the Queries tab. From there, you’ll need to select a data source and a table. After you submit the form, you’ll be redirected to the Query Builder, your workspace for creating your query.

Using the Query Builder

The Query Builder is divided into three main sections:

  • Tables: This section lets you select a table from your data source. You also have options to join tables here.
  • Dimensions & Metrics: Use this section to select dimensions (which group your data) and metrics (which are used to calculate values).
  • Filters: This section is where you add filters to refine your data. You can add simple or advanced filters and even write logical expressions.

Dimensions & Metrics in Action

Let’s look at an example. If you select the Customers table, you can create a simple query that shows you the total number of customers. To do this, you’ll add one metric that shows the count of records from the Customers table.

Another example: you can create a query to identify the top 10 states with the highest number of customers.

Refining Data with Filters

Filters are great for narrowing down your data. For instance, you can use filters to find out how many of your products weigh more than 1kg.

There are two types of filters:

  • Simple Filters: These filters refine your data based on standard operators like equals, not equals, greater than, less than, and more.
  • Expression Filters: These filters allow you to write complex expressions that return a boolean value to filter your data. You can use logical operators to combine multiple expression filters.

Visualizing Your Data

Once you’ve summarized your data, you can visualize it. For example, let’s say you’ve created a query that shows products that weigh more than 1kg. Since it represents a number, we can use the Number type to visualize it.

For the query that shows the top 10 states with the highest number of customers, we can use the Bar type to visualize it.


The Query feature is an essential tool in Empress Insights, enabling you to create detailed, customized views of your data. With it, you can gain a deeper understanding of your business and make more informed decisions. For further assistance with Empress Insights, please refer to our additional resources or contact our support team.