Empress Module Onboarding: Simplifying Business Operations

Welcome to the Module Onboarding feature in Empress. This guide is designed to help business users like you to understand this feature and how to use it effectively in your daily operations.


Module Onboarding is a powerful feature in Empress that assists you in setting up various modules in the system. With this feature, you can set up different roles such as Accounts Manager, Stock Manager, Sales Manager, Purchase Manager, Manufacturing Manager, and Item Manager. This is done in a user-friendly, step-by-step process, ensuring that each module is set up correctly to meet your business needs.

Primary Functions and Benefits

The primary functions of the Module Onboarding feature include:

  • Creating an Item: This function allows you to create and catalog items in your Empress system. This is crucial for inventory management and tracking.

  • Creating a Customer: This function lets you add and manage your customer information in the system, which is vital for customer relationship management and sales tracking.

  • Creating Your First Sales Invoice: This function helps you generate your first sales invoice, marking the start of your financial tracking in Empress.

These functions are beneficial as they ensure a smooth setup process, enable accurate data management, and promote efficient business operations.

Viewing, Editing, Sorting, and Tracking Information

With the Module Onboarding feature, viewing, editing, sorting, and tracking information is easy and straightforward. You can view the steps for each module setup, edit the details as necessary, sort through different steps, and track your progress.

User Roles and Permissions

The Module Onboarding feature is designed with flexibility in mind, allowing different user roles such as Accounts Manager, Stock Manager, Sales Manager, Purchase Manager, Manufacturing Manager, and Item Manager to access and utilize this feature. This ensures that the right people have access to the right tools, enhancing efficiency and accountability in your business.


In summary, the Module Onboarding feature in Empress simplifies the setup process, promotes accurate data management, and enhances efficiency in your business operations. For further assistance or more detailed information, please refer to the official Empress documentation at Empress Documentation.