Empress Multi-level BOM Creator: Streamlining Business Operations


Welcome to this comprehensive guide on the Multi-level Bill of Materials (BOM) Creator, a user-friendly and efficient feature in Empress. This feature allows you to create and manage multi-level BOMs in a simplified and streamlined manner, enhancing your business operations and productivity.

Why Use the BOM Creator?

The BOM Creator is an essential tool for businesses that regularly construct and manage BOMs. With the standard BOM screen, you need to create all sub-assembly BOMs before you can construct the final product’s BOM. This process often involves tedious back-and-forth navigation and can make visualizing the complete hierarchy a challenge.

The BOM Creator solves these issues. It eliminates unnecessary navigation, allowing you to construct multi-level BOMs in one place. This feature significantly enhances your productivity and simplifies your tasks.

How to Use the BOM Creator

Using the BOM Creator is straightforward and easy. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

  1. Select the Final Product: On the BOM Creator screen, start by selecting the final product you wish to create a BOM for, and save the record.

  2. Add Raw Materials and Sub-assembly Items: In the form, you’ll find an option to add raw materials and sub-assembly items that are related to the final product. Simply click on this option to add the necessary items.

  3. Convert Raw Materials into Sub-assembly Items: If you wish to convert any of your raw materials into sub-assembly items, you can easily do so. Just click on the item you want to convert and then hit the “Convert to Sub-Assembly” button.

  4. Edit the Quantity: The BOM Creator allows you to adjust the quantity of each item as needed. Just click on the quantity field for the item you want to adjust and enter the new amount.

Finalizing Your BOM

Once you’ve built your BOM structure, it’s time to finalize and submit it. After you submit the BOM, Empress will automatically generate the BOMs using a background job. This means you don’t have to wait around for the BOM to process; you can get back to your other tasks while Empress takes care of it for you.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, the BOM Creator is a powerful tool designed to streamline your workflow, enhance your productivity, and simplify the process of creating and managing multi-level BOMs. By harnessing this feature, you can significantly improve your business operations.

For more helpful resources or support, please visit our Empress Support Center.