Empress Notes: Streamlining Your Business Collaboration


Welcome to the Empress Notes feature, an integral part of your Empress business software suite. This tool allows you to create, store, and share vital information seamlessly within your business environment. Whether you’re capturing minutes from a meeting, maintaining a to-do list, or sharing critical updates, Empress Notes is your go-to tool.

Getting Started with Empress Notes

To access Empress Notes, you’ll need to follow this simple path:

Home > Tools > Note

Creating Your First Note

Creating a new note with Empress is as easy as pie. Here’s how you do it:

  1. Head over to the Note list and click on New.
  2. Type in your note’s title in the Title field.
  3. Write the main content of your note in the Content field. This area functions as a text editor, allowing you to format your content to suit your needs.
  4. Hit Save when you’re done to keep your note for future reference.

Adjusting Note Visibility

With Empress Notes, you control who sees your notes. You can make a note public or private, depending on your needs. Public notes can be viewed by other users within your Empress account, fostering transparency and collaboration.

If you decide to make a note public, you’ll notice a new option labelled ‘Notify users with a popup when they log in’. This feature ensures that your note gets the attention it deserves.

In addition, you can give specific users read, write, or share permissions for your note. Manage these settings easily from the ‘Share’ option in the left sidebar.

Setting up Notifications for Notes

Empress Notes doesn’t just let you create and share notes; it also lets you notify other users about your public notes. By enabling the notification feature, users receive a pop-up notification about your note when they log in. This helps you ensure important information is never missed.

Empress Notes is more than just a note-taking tool. It’s a collaboration enhancer, a productivity booster, and a critical part of your Empress suite. Make the most of Empress Notes for all your business communication needs.