Empress Perm Level: Securing Data with Access Control



Permission Level, or Perm Level, is a feature in Empress that allows you to control the range of information that different user groups can view or modify in a specific area, known as a DocType. This is a key tool for managing data security and access control in your business.

Understanding Permission Levels

In Empress, you can categorize different fields within a document into various ‘levels’. Each level, or ‘field group’, is represented by a unique number (0, 1, 2, 3, and so on). You can then assign different permission rules to each field group. By default, all fields are assigned to level 0.

The Perm Level for a field can be set using the user-friendly ‘Customize Form’ feature.

How to Apply Permission Levels

If you need to give different access permissions for certain fields to different users, you can do this using Perm Level. Here’s an example to illustrate this:

Imagine you have a ‘Delivery Note’ that both ‘Stock Manager’ and ‘Stock User’ roles can access. However, you don’t want the ‘Stock User’ to see the ‘Amount-related’ field in the ‘Delivery Note’, but you want them to see all other fields just like the ‘Stock Manager’ can.

In this case, you can assign a Perm Level of 2 to all the fields you want to hide.

‘Stock Managers’ will then have access to the fields in ‘Delivery Note’ with Perm Level 2, whereas a ‘Stock User’ will not. This is because the ‘Stock User’ role hasn’t been given a rule that allows them to read or write in fields with a Perm Level of 2.

If you want a ‘Stock User’ to be able to see a field at Perm Level 2, but you don’t want to give them permission to edit it, you can assign the ‘Stock User’ with permission to only read on Perm Level 2, but not to write or edit.

Key Points to Remember

Perm Levels (1, 2, 3 or 2, 1, 3 or 3,2,1) do not need to be in any particular order, nor do they denote a hierarchy. Perm Level is used for grouping fields together and then assigning permission to roles for that group. Thus, you can set any perm level for an item and then adjust the permission settings for it.

If you want to change permissions for all fields in a section, you can simply change the perm level for the section field, and it will be applied to all fields in the section. This handy feature makes the process of managing permissions smoother and ensures that each user has the appropriate level of access to the system’s data.


Perm Level is a powerful tool in Empress that can enhance your business processes by providing granular control over data access and modification. It ensures that each user in your business has the correct level of access, improving both data security and operational efficiency. For more user-friendly guides and support, please refer to our other non-technical resources and guides.