Empress Print Format Builder: Customizing the 'Items' Column


Welcome to an in-depth guide on how you can customize the ‘Items’ column in your Print Format Builder on Empress. This guide will help you tailor your documents to fit your business needs perfectly, making sure each print-out contains precisely the information you need.

What does this feature do?

The ‘Items’ column customization in Print Format Builder allows you to decide what details appear in your print-outs. You can handpick specific columns, adjust their width, and choose their order to create a print format that suits your business needs.

Step 1: Creating a Customized Print Format

  1. Click on the ‘Settings’ button on your Empress dashboard.
  2. Select ‘Customize’ from the dropdown menu.
  3. Provide a suitable name for your new customized print format.

Step 2: Selecting Columns for the ‘Items’ Table

  1. In the New Print Format interface, find the field labeled ‘Items (Table)’.
  2. Click on the ‘Select columns’ button.
  3. A table will appear, displaying a list of columns that are currently included in your standard print format.
  4. Choose the columns you want to include in your customized Print Format.
  5. Adjust the width and order of the selected columns as needed.

Step 3: Saving Changes and Viewing the New Format

  1. Once you’re satisfied with your column selection, click on ‘Update’.
  2. Confirm and save your changes by clicking on ‘Save’.
  3. Refresh your dashboard.
  4. Select the newly created Print Format. For instance, if you named it ‘Purchase Receipt’, click on it.
  5. The changes you made will now be visible in the Items table of your selected print format.

To compare your customized print format with the standard version, you can click on the existing Print Format templates. This way, you can see the changes you’ve made and ensure they meet your business needs.


Customizing the ‘Items’ column in your Print Format Builder on Empress allows you to generate documents that are fine-tuned to your business needs. By selecting, arranging, and sizing the columns in your print-outs, you can make sure every document generated holds the most relevant information for your operations. For more user-friendly guides and support, we invite you to visit our Help Center or reach out to our support team.