Empress Role-Based Access for Enhanced Security


In the dynamic world of business, you often need to regulate access to resources based on user roles. Empress provides a feature that enables you to do just that. Let’s explore how you can use this feature to restrict warehouse access to a specific user role like the ‘Material Manager’.

Introduction to the Role-Based Access Feature

The role-based access restriction in Empress is a powerful feature that helps you maintain control over your resources. By implementing this, you can ensure that only designated personnel have access to certain data, enhancing your business security and efficiency. For instance, you can limit access to a particular warehouse to the Material Manager, preventing unauthorized access.

Using the Feature

The role-based restriction is implemented using a custom validation function. This function is activated every time a document is validated - checking if the user has the ‘Material Manager’ role.

The Validation Function in Layman’s Terms

When you validate a document, the system checks if you are a Material Manager. If you’re not, it then checks if you’re trying to access a warehouse marked as ‘Restricted’. If you are, it stops you and shows a message, “Only Material Manager can make entry in Restricted Warehouse”.

This way, only a Material Manager can access the restricted warehouses, and everyone else is prevented from doing so.

How to Use the Validation Function

Unfortunately, the validation function requires a bit of technical know-how to edit. But don’t worry, we’ll break it down for you in a non-technical way:

  1. The function first checks your role in the Empress system. If you’re a Material Manager, it allows you to proceed.
  2. If you’re not a Material Manager, it then checks if you’re trying to access a warehouse labeled ‘Restricted’.
  3. If you are trying to access a ‘Restricted’ warehouse, it stops the validation process and shows you a message, “Only Material Manager can make entry in Restricted Warehouse”.

The Benefits of Role-Based Access

This feature enhances your business processes by:

  • Ensuring that only authorized personnel can access certain resources, thereby maintaining security and preventing unauthorized access.
  • Streamlining warehouse management by ensuring that only the Material Manager can make entries in restricted warehouses.
  • Reducing the risk of errors and mishandling of resources by unauthorized personnel.

To learn more about how to implement and use role-based access and other features in Empress, please refer to our user guide or contact our support team. We’re here to help you make the most of Empress for your business!