Empress Student Group Creation: Streamlining Academic Management


Welcome to the comprehensive guide to effectively using the Student Group Creation Tool in Empress. This feature is specifically designed to help academic institutions streamline the process of creating multiple student groups simultaneously. This tool is not only a time-saver but also a means to enhance precision and organization in managing student groups.

Getting Started with the Student Group Creation Tool

To kick off, let’s get to the Student Group Creation Tool. Starting from the ‘Home’ screen, simply follow the given route:

Home > Education > Tools > Student Group Creation Tool

A Step-by-Step Walkthrough to Creating Student Groups in Bulk

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you create multiple student groups efficiently:

  1. Choose the Academic Term and Program: Start by selecting the specific academic term and program for which you wish to create a student group.

  2. Identify the Program: Next, specify the program under which the student group will fall.

  3. Set the Grouping Basis: The default setting creates student groups based on their courses. However, should you prefer to create separate student groups for each batch within a course, simply select the checkbox for Separate course based Group for every Batch.

  4. Retrieve Courses: Click the Get Courses button. This will bring up all the courses within the selected program. You can freely add or remove courses as necessary, and even include courses from other programs.

  5. Generate Student Groups: Once you’re happy with the setup, click the Create Students Groups button to generate the student groups for each course and batch.

Wrapping Up

The Student Group Creation Tool in Empress is a powerful feature that simplifies the task of creating and managing student groups, especially for large educational institutions. With this tool, you can easily create multiple student groups based on various courses and batches, saving you time and ensuring an organized and efficient management of your student body.

For any further assistance or more detailed information, feel free to explore our additional resources or get in touch with our support team. Happy grouping!