# Empress with Portland Internetworks: Partnership Proposal

Empress with Portland Internetworks

Dear Portland Internetworks,

As a comprehensive, stress-free business suite, Empress is always looking to establish relationships with companies that align with our values and business model. We believe that Portland Internetworks fits this bill perfectly, with your focus on providing robust IT services and your dedication to efficient business operations.

We see a lot of potential in a collaboration Empress and Portland Internetworks. Our user-friendly suite integrates seamlessly with existing tools, which would complement your broad offering of internet, network, and managed IT services. Empress’s capabilities in robust data analytics, workflow design, and customizable experiences could enhance the value you bring to your clients. This collaboration could result in a stronger, more efficient IT management solution for businesses, leading to mutual growth for both our companies.

Empress is not just about business operations, but also about making a difference in the world. We have a community-driven movement, the #DiamondClub initiative, dedicated to global change and achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This initiative emphasizes innovation, inclusivity, and sustainability, values we believe align strongly with Portland Internetworks’ ethos.

We see potential for Portland Internetworks to contribute significantly to the #DiamondClub initiative. Your technological expertise could be critical in driving innovation for sustainable development. Moreover, your recognition as one of Portland Business Journal’s Fastest-Growing 100 Private Companies and your place on Channel Futures’ MSP 501 list reflect your capacity to aid in achieving our SDGs.

We believe that this proposed collaboration is a perfect blend of our mutual values and strengths. It would not only drive mutual business growth but also contribute to a broader societal impact through the #DiamondClub initiative.

We would be delighted to discuss this proposal further at your earliest convenience. Please let us know when you would be available to have a more detailed conversation about this potential collaboration.


[email protected]