Enhancing Brand Presence: Updating Logo and Resizing Banner


With Empress, every business account comes with an auto-generated website. The website’s logo and banner are initially set during the setup process. However, the ability to modify these elements allows your business to maintain a consistent and up-to-date online presence. This guide will guide you through the process of updating your company’s logo and resizing your website banner.

Accessing Website Settings

To start modifying your website’s appearance, you first need to access the website settings. To navigate to these settings in your Empress account, follow this path:

Explore > Website > Website Settings

Updating Your Company’s Logo

Your company’s logo is often the first thing visitors notice on your website. Here’s how to ensure it always looks its best:

  1. Access the Website Settings: As outlined above, navigate to Explore > Website > Website Settings in your Empress account.

  2. Locate the Logo section: Once you’re in the Website Settings, find the logo section. This is where you’ll be able to change or update your company’s logo.

  3. Upload a new logo: Click on ‘Upload’ and choose a new logo from your files. Make sure the logo you select is clear, professional, and effectively represents your company.

  4. Save changes: Don’t forget to save your changes after uploading the new logo. This ensures the new logo is immediately updated on your company’s website.

Resizing Your Website Banner

The size of your website banner can significantly impact the overall look of your website. Here’s how to adjust it:

  1. Access the Website Settings: As before, navigate to Explore > Website > Website Settings in your Empress account.

  2. Locate the Banner section: Once you’re in the Website Settings, find the banner section. This is where you can update and resize your website banner.

  3. Upload and resize: Click ‘Upload’ and choose a new banner from your files. After uploading, use the resize tool to adjust the banner’s dimensions so it fits your website perfectly.

  4. Save changes: Don’t forget to save your changes after resizing the banner. This ensures the new banner is immediately updated on your company’s website.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your company’s Empress website always looks professional, up-to-date, and aligned with your brand. Remember, a well-maintained website can greatly enhance your company’s online presence and attract more visitors.