Enhancing Business Processes with Empress Dynamic Link Fields


Welcome to our user-friendly guide on Dynamic Link Fields in Empress – a feature designed to enhance your experience and streamline your business processes. Dynamic Link Fields are essentially a search tool that can hold the value of any DocType. This means that when you’re creating a document, such as an Opportunity or Quotation, this feature allows you to directly link to relevant information, such as a Lead or Customer.

In simpler terms, imagine it as a chain of references that takes you to the exact information you need, without having to sift through unrelated data. This advanced feature not only saves time and effort but also reduces the chances of errors in your business operations.

Let’s dive into the process of how to use this feature effectively.

Step 1: Creating a Link Field for DocType

The first step involves creating a link field that will be connected to the DocType.

When we refer to DocType in the Option field, we’re talking about the parent DocType. Think of it like a family tree, where DocType is the parent and under it, you have multiple related data or ‘children’. For instance, a Sales Order, Purchase Invoice, Quotation, Employee, and Work Order are all ‘children’ of the DocType.

So, by linking this field with the parent DocType, you can see a list of all related DocType records.

Step 2: Creating a Dynamic Link Field

The second step involves creating a custom field with the type “Dynamic Link”. In the Option field, you would mention the name of the DocType link field.

This field will allow you to select a document ID, based on the value selected in the DocType link field. For example, if you select Sales Order in the previous field, the Dynamic Link field will show all the Sales Order IDs.

Customizing the Doctype Link Field

The DocType link field, by default, will show all form/docTypes for selection. However, if you want this field to show only specific docTypes, you can customize it through a Custom Script. This customization allows you to streamline your document selection process, enhancing efficiency and the overall user experience with Empress.

In conclusion, the Dynamic Link Fields feature in Empress is a powerful tool that can significantly enhance your business processes by providing a fast, efficient, and error-free way of referencing and selecting relevant data. For more user-friendly guides and support, please visit our Empress Help Center.