Enhancing CRM with Empress' Opportunity Type Feature

Welcome to this user-friendly guide to the Opportunity Type feature on Empress. If you’re a business user looking to enhance your customer relationship management (CRM) capabilities, this guide is for you!

What is the Opportunity Type feature?

The Opportunity Type feature is a part of Empress’s CRM module. It allows you to create, manage, and track different types of business opportunities. This feature is designed to support your sales and marketing efforts, providing a structured method for categorizing and managing potential business deals.

Why use the Opportunity Type feature?

  1. Efficient categorization: With this feature, you can label and group your business opportunities based on their characteristics, such as product type, market segment, or sales process. This makes it easier to manage your opportunities and focus your efforts where they’re needed most.
  2. Improved tracking: By categorizing opportunities, you can better track and analyze your sales performance across different types of opportunities.
  3. Enhanced reporting: The Opportunity Type feature allows for more detailed reporting, giving you valuable insights into your business’s performance.

Using the Opportunity Type Feature

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use the Opportunity Type feature:

  1. Go to the CRM module in your Empress account.
  2. Look for the Opportunity Type option and click on it.
  3. To create a new Opportunity Type, click on the ‘New’ button.
  4. You can label your Opportunity Type in the ‘Description’ field. This could be anything that describes the nature of the opportunity, like “Product Sale” or “Service Contract”.
  5. Save your new Opportunity Type.

You can also view, edit, and sort your Opportunity Types in the Empress interface.

User Roles and Permissions

Different users have different levels of access to the Opportunity Type feature:

  • System Manager: This user can create, edit, delete, and manage Opportunity Types.
  • Sales Manager: This user also has full control over Opportunity Types.
  • Sales User: This user can view and track Opportunity Types, but cannot create, edit, or delete them.


With the Opportunity Type feature, your business can better manage, track, and analyze your opportunities, leading to more efficient sales processes and improved business performance. For more guidance on using Empress, please refer to our other user-friendly guides and resources.