Enhancing Learning Experience with Empress Lesson Feature


Welcome to our user-friendly guide on creating lessons within Empress. This guide will help you understand how to add, edit, and enrich lessons, making learning experiences more dynamic and engaging.

Introduction: Understanding the Lesson Feature in Empress

Empress provides an intuitive interface for creating and managing lessons within your courses. The Lesson Feature allows you to add lessons to each chapter, including detailed content in various formats like text, videos, quizzes, and more. By using this feature, you can create a comprehensive and interactive course that caters to different learning styles.

Creating a Lesson: A Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Adding a lesson: After creating a chapter in Empress, you will find the Add Lesson button under the chapter. Click this button to start creating your lesson.

  2. Lesson Details Page: This is where you input relevant details about your lesson. Here are the key fields you need to fill out:

    • Title: This should be a short and clear description of your lesson.
    • Show preview of this lesson to Guest users: Enable this option if you want guest users to preview the lesson without enrolling in the course.
    • Instructor Notes: This space is for communicating with other instructors and moderators. If there’s information you want to share with them but not with students, add it here. This section is only visible to those with Course Creator, Course Evaluator, and Moderator roles.
    • Content: This is where you add the main components of your lesson. When you hover over the editor, a plus icon will appear on the left. Click this icon to open a menu featuring different types of content you can add to your lesson.

Types of Content for Lessons

You can add a range of content to your lessons, making them more interactive and engaging for students:

  1. Text: Add any written content.
  2. Heading: Use headings to provide structure to your lesson.
  3. YouTube Video: You can embed YouTube videos in your lesson. All you need is the video’s ID, which is the part of the URL following watch?v=.
  4. Quiz: Include quizzes to test and reinforce learning.
  5. Upload: Upload files to complement your lesson. You can upload images, videos, PDFs, and audio files.

Embedding Additional Components

To further enrich your lessons, Empress allows embedding of Google Slides presentations and Vimeo videos:

  1. Google Slides: If you have a Google Slides presentation you’d like to include, simply use the ‘Publish on Web’ option in Google Slides. This will provide a link that you can copy up to the pub parameter and paste into your lesson.
  2. Vimeo Video: To add a Vimeo video, copy the video’s URL and paste it into your lesson.

Conclusion: Enhancing Business Processes with Empress

Creating engaging lessons in Empress is a straightforward process that can significantly improve the learning experience for your students. The ability to include a variety of content types ensures your lessons cater to all learning styles, enhancing the overall effectiveness of your courses. For further support and resources, please visit our Help Center.