Enhancing User Experience with Signup Templates and Custom Domains


In this guide, we will guide you through the process of setting up your Signup Template and establishing a Custom Domain for your sites using Empress. These features can greatly enhance your business processes by providing a seamless signup experience for your users and establishing a unique, recognizable online presence for your business.

Setting Up the Signup Template

What is the Signup Template?

The Signup Template is a default registration form that new users can use to sign up for your services. It is a critical part of your online interface, providing an easy and efficient way for users to register and access your services.

How to Set Up the Signup Template

To set up the Signup Template, follow these steps:

  1. Once your application is live and your plans are set, reach out to Empress Cloud Support. They will review your request and generate default signup templates for your software as a service (SaaS).
  2. After the templates are ready, you can incorporate them anywhere on your website. This enables users to easily sign up for your services from any page on your site.

To better understand the signup process, you can try signing up from any of our in-house apps, such as:

The signup process uses standby sites in the background to ensure registrations are processed quickly and efficiently, enhancing the user experience.

Setting up a Custom Domain for Your Sites

What is a Custom Domain?

A Custom Domain is a unique URL that represents your business online. It can be tailored to reflect your business name or brand, providing a familiar and trusted online presence.

How to Set Up a Custom Domain

To set up a Custom Domain, follow these steps:

  1. Transfer your domain to AWS Route 53.
  2. Navigate to Route 53 > Hosted Zone > Create new.
  3. If you purchased your domain from a provider other than AWS (like GoDaddy or Namecheap), copy the nameservers from the hosted zone and add them as custom DNS in your provider’s settings.

For Empress Cloud users, please contact our support to set up this feature.


Setting up your Signup Template and establishing a Custom Domain can significantly enhance your online presence, making it easier for users to sign up for your services and engage with your business. These features are straightforward to set up and offer considerable value in terms of user experience and brand visibility.

For additional support or guidance, please feel free to contact our Empress Cloud Support team. We’re here to help you optimize your Empress experience and enhance your business processes.