Enhancing UX and Efficiency with Empress Form Scripts


This guide focuses on the Form Scripts feature in Empress, a client-side JavaScript code extension that significantly enhances the UX of your Forms. From a software development perspective, Form Scripts offer a robust method to streamline and automate form filling tasks, thereby increasing efficiency and reducing manual errors.

Functionality and Advantages

Form Scripts allow developers to add custom functions to their forms, enabling them to automate the form filling process. This is particularly useful in scenarios where the same information needs to be entered in multiple forms consecutively.

In addition to this, Form Scripts can be used to create custom buttons on forms, allowing developers to further extend the functionality of their forms.

Here is an example of how Form Scripts can be used to automate the creation of membership and transaction forms for a library member:

frappe.ui.form.on('Library Member', {
    refresh: function(frm) {
        frm.add_custom_button('Create Membership', () => {
            frappe.new_doc('Library Membership', {
                library_member: frm.doc.name
        frm.add_custom_button('Create Transaction', () => {
            frappe.new_doc('Library Transaction', {
                library_member: frm.doc.name

After integrating this code, two buttons - “Create Membership” and “Create Transaction” - will appear on the ‘Library Member’ form. Clicking on these buttons will automatically set the ‘Library Member’ in each of those documents, making the process simpler and faster.

Implementation, Modification, and Debugging

In terms of implementation, Form Scripts are written in JavaScript and are integrated directly into the Empress form design. The script is triggered when a specific event occurs on the form, such as a refresh, as seen in the code snippet above.

Modifying a Form Script involves editing the JavaScript code within the frappe.ui.form.on() function. For debugging, developers may use standard JavaScript debugging tools.

User Roles and Permissions

From a system architecture and security perspective, it’s important to note that Form Scripts run on the client side. This means that the code is executed on the user’s browser and not on the server. Therefore, user roles and permissions should be considered when writing Form Scripts.


In summary, the Form Scripts feature provides developers with the tools to enhance the UX of Empress forms, automate repetitive tasks, and customize the functionality of forms. By leveraging this feature, developers can significantly enhance the efficiency of form filling processes, leading to the development and customization of more effective business solutions.