Freezing Accounting Entries for Controlled Financial Management



Empress offers a variety of features to facilitate your business operations. One such feature is the ability to Freeze Accounting Entries up to a specific date. This allows businesses to maintain better control over their financial processes. It prevents any accounting entries before a set date, ensuring the accuracy and consistency of your financial records.

This guide will guide you on how to use this feature effectively, helping you streamline your financial management process.

Primary Functions and Benefits

The primary functions of the Freeze Accounting Entries feature include:

  • Freezing accounting entries up to a specified date.
  • Allowing specific user roles to create or edit entries within the frozen period.

These functions offer several benefits to your business including:

  • Improved Control: By restricting accounting entries up to a certain date, you can ensure no unexpected changes are made to your financial records.
  • Enhanced Accuracy: This prevents the creation of erroneous entries, improving the accuracy of your accounting records.
  • Flexibility: The ability to allow specific roles to create or edit entries during the frozen period ensures necessary adjustments can be made without compromising control.

How to Use the Feature

Here’s how you can freeze your accounting entries in Empress:

Step 1: Navigate to Account Settings

Firstly, navigate to the Account Settings section in the Empress dashboard by following this path:

Accounting > Accounting Masters > Accounts Settings

Step 2: Setting the Freeze Date

In the Account Settings, you’ll find a field labeled Accounts Frozen Upto. Enter the date until which you wish to freeze your accounting entries here. Once you’ve set this date, the system will not allow the creation of any accounting entries before it.

Step 3: Define User Roles

You may want certain users to still be able to create or edit entries during the frozen period. To set this up, simply specify the user roles that should have this privilege in the Account Settings section.


The Freeze Accounting Entries feature in Empress provides businesses with greater control and accuracy in their financial processes. By strategically using this feature, you can enhance your financial management and ensure the integrity of your accounting records.

For more assistance or information regarding other features, please refer to the various resources available on the Empress website, or contact our support team.