Freezing & Unfreezing Accounts for Efficient Financial Control


In the dynamic world of business, we often need to restrict transactions to specific accounts for various reasons. This could be due to an audit, a suspected discrepancy, or simply a measure of control. The Empress feature that enables this function is called Freezing an Account.

What is Freezing an Account?

In Empress, Freezing an Account puts a temporary halt on all transactions to and from a chosen account. This is a handy tool that allows you to regulate your account activity and maintain the integrity of your financial data. As a business user, you can use this feature to promptly respond to any financial irregularities or simply manage your cash flow more efficiently.

How to Freeze an Account

To freeze an account in Empress, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Chart of Accounts. This is your dashboard for managing all your accounts.

  2. Find the account you want to freeze, and click on the Edit option.

  3. Provided your user role has the necessary permissions in Account Settings, you can now change the account status to Frozen.

Once an account is frozen, it is temporarily locked for all transactions until you decide to unfreeze it.

How to Unfreeze an Account

Unfreezing an account is just as simple. Follow the same steps as above, but when you reach the account status, select Unfrozen instead of Frozen. This will immediately reactivate the account for transactions.

User Roles and Permissions

Please remember that the ability to freeze and unfreeze accounts depends on your user role and the permissions granted to you. It’s important to respect these settings to maintain the security and accuracy of your financial data.


Empress’s Freeze an Account feature is a powerful tool for businesses, offering you control and flexibility over your account transactions. It’s easy to use and can significantly aid in efficient financial management. Remember to always use this feature responsibly, ensuring you have the correct permissions to do so. For further assistance, please refer to the Empress User Guide or contact our support team.