Generating and Managing API Keys in Empress


Welcome to this user-friendly guide on generating and managing your API keys in Empress. Designed with business users in mind, this guide aims to provide a clear and concise walkthrough, devoid of technical jargon or developer-centric terms.

Introduction: The Significance of API Keys in Empress

An API key in Empress is a unique identifier that authenticates your requests and interactions with the platform. It’s akin to a digital key that grants access to specific functions or data within Empress. The API secret, on the other hand, is a secret token used alongside the API key to verify requests. In the business context, proper management of API keys is crucial for maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of your data.

Primary Functions and Benefits

The dual-component API key and API secret serve two primary functions:

  • They authenticate your requests, ensuring that they originate from an authorized source.
  • They protect your data from unauthorized access.

From a business operations perspective, these functionalities are essential for:

  • Data security: Securing your business data against unauthorized access.
  • Controlled access: Allowing specific applications to interact with your Empress data.
  • Traceability: Tracking which applications are making requests to your Empress data.

Step-By-Step Guide: Generate, View, and Manage Your API Keys

Here’s how you can generate, view, and manage your API keys:

  1. Navigate to your Dashboard.
  2. Click on ‘Settings’.
  3. Go to ‘Profile & Team’.
  4. Click on ‘API Access’.
  5. Select ‘Create New API Key’.

After you’ve generated the API key, copy the API secret immediately. You can’t view it again, but you can regenerate it as needed. Remember, only the most recent API secret is valid for authentication.

Remember: Your API secret is like a password - keep it private and secure.

User Roles and Permissions

In a business setting, the roles and permissions surrounding API key management will typically fall to administrators or IT managers. However, anyone granted the necessary permissions can generate and manage API keys.


Effectively managing your API keys in Empress ensures secure communication between your business applications and the Empress platform. This process is essential for maintaining data integrity and security, and for controlling access to sensitive business information.

For additional non-technical resources or support, please refer to our comprehensive user guides or contact our customer support team.