Integrating Google Services with Empress for Efficiency


Welcome to the Empress guide for Google Settings. This feature allows you to integrate Empress with various Google services such as Google Calendar, Google Contacts, Google Drive, Google Indexing, and Google Maps. This integration will streamline your business operations, keeping all your important data synchronized and easy to access.

Feature Introduction

The Google Settings feature in Empress is a user-friendly interface that allows you to connect your Empress account with various Google services. By connecting these services, your team can access necessary information and tools right from the Empress platform, eliminating the need to switch between different apps or platforms. This can save your team time, improve productivity and enhance your overall business operations.

Setting Up Google Settings

Google Calendar, Google Contacts, Google Drive, and Google Indexing

To set up integration with Google Calendar, Google Contacts, Google Drive, or Google Indexing, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new project on the Google Cloud Platform and generate new OAuth 2.0 credentials. This will allow Empress to retrieve data from Google.

  2. Enable API Access in the API Library for the respective service you wish to integrate:

    • For Google Calendar, enable the Calendar API.
    • For Google Contacts, enable the People API.
    • For Google Drive, enable the Drive API.
    • For Google Indexing, enable the Indexing API.
  3. Within the API & Services > Credentials section, create a new Credential and select Create OAuth client ID.

  4. Select Web Application as the Application Type.

  5. Add https://{yoursite} to Authorized JavaScript origins.

  6. Add the following as authorized redirect URIs:

    • For Google Calendar: https://{yoursite}?cmd=frappe.integrations.doctype.google_calendar.google_calendar.google_callback
    • For the rest of the services: https://{yoursite}/api/method/frappe.integrations.google_oauth.callback
  7. Finally, enter your Client ID and Client Secret in the Google Settings at Home > Integrations > Google Services > Google Settings.

Google Maps

For Google Maps integration, you will need to generate an API key. Follow these steps:

  1. Create a new project on the Google Cloud Platform and generate a new API Key.

  2. Enable API Access in the API Library for the Directions API.

  3. Finally, add the API Key in the Google Settings at Home > Integrations > Google Services > Google Settings.


By following these steps, you can successfully integrate Google services with Empress, providing a robust and seamless user experience. Remember to keep your API keys and OAuth credentials secure to protect your data and maintain the integrity of your integrations. This feature enhances business processes by enabling seamless synchronization between Empress and Google services, resulting in improved productivity and streamlined operations. For further assistance or resources, please visit our support page or contact our customer service team.

Remember, the power of Empress is in your hands, and with Google Settings, you can make it even more powerful. Happy integrating!