Managing and Streamlining Donations with Empress


Empress offers a comprehensive feature for managing donations, named the Donation feature. This feature allows you to keep a detailed record of all donations made by your donors.

Why Use the Donation Feature?

From a business perspective, managing donations effectively is crucial for maintaining robust relationships with donors and ensuring transparency. The Donation feature in Empress allows you to efficiently record, track, and manage donation data, making it an essential tool for non-profit organizations and businesses that rely on donations.

How to Create a Donation

Creating a Donation in Empress is a straightforward process:

  1. Navigate to Non Profit > Donation > New.
  2. Select the appropriate Donor. The system will automatically fill in the Donor Name and Email for you.
  3. Enter the Date of Donation.
  4. Enter the Amount of the donation and select the Mode of Payment.
  5. After filling out all the necessary details, click Save and Submit.

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Payment Entry for Donation

After you’ve submitted a donation, you can create a Payment Entry for it. Simply click on the Create Payment Entry button.

Using RazorPay for Donations

Empress also supports RazorPay for processing donations. To use this, you’ll need to do some setup in the Donation Settings section under Non Profit Settings:

  1. Set a Default Company. This will be the default company for Donations created via webhook.
  2. Set a Default Donor Type. The Donor Type set here will be assigned to the Donor created via Donation webhook.
  3. Enable Automate Donation Payment Entries to automatically create a Payment Entry for a Donation entry made through webhook. If this is enabled, you need to set the default Debit Account and Donation Payment Account for Payment Entry.

Webhook Setup with RazorPay

You can set up a webhook from the RazorPay dashboard under Settings. This webhook will send a notification to your Empress site whenever a new donation is created.

To set up the webhook, you’ll need:

  1. Webhook URL: This is the URL for your Empress site. RazorPay will use this to notify your site of any new donations created.
  2. Secret: You’ll need to generate a Webhook Secret for the API Endpoint. On your Empress site, go to Donations > Generate Webhook Secret under Non Profit Settings. Copy the secret and paste it in the secret field on the RazorPay dashboard.
  3. Event: Enable the payment.captured event.
  4. Active: Check this to enable the webhook.

Once you’ve completed these steps, your webhook will be activated.


Empress’s Donation feature is a powerful tool for managing donations, streamlining operations, and ensuring transparency in your non-profit or business. By effectively utilizing this feature, you can enhance your donation management process, leading to improved donor relations and overall business efficiency.

For further assistance or information, please refer to our non-technical resources or reach out to our support team.