Managing Promotional Schemes for Effective Sales Tracking


A cumulative scheme applies when the total transaction amount falls within a certain range. You can set this range using the ‘Min Amt’ and ‘Max Amt’ fields.

Editing a Promotional Scheme

  1. To edit a promotional scheme, navigate to the promotional scheme list.
  2. Click on the scheme you wish to edit.
  3. Make the necessary changes.
  4. Click ‘Save.’

Tracking the Effectiveness of Promotional Schemes

Promotional schemes can be tracked by monitoring changes in the number of sales and revenue. This can be done by comparing sales and revenue data before, during, and after the promotional scheme.

To see your promotional scheme’s impact, navigate to:

Home > Selling > Items and Pricing > Promotional Scheme

Here, you will find detailed information on each promotional scheme.

User Roles and Permissions

To create or edit a promotional scheme, the user must have the ‘Sales Manager’ role. Other roles, such as ‘Sales User,’ can view promotional schemes but cannot edit or create them.


Promotional schemes are a powerful way to attract new customers and increase sales. Empress makes managing these schemes simple and efficient. By using this feature, businesses can easily apply discounts to specific products or transactions, track the effectiveness of these schemes, and adjust them as necessary. For more detailed information and instructions, please refer to the Empress User Guide.