Managing User Roles and Permissions in Empress


Welcome to this user-friendly guide on how to manage user roles and permissions in Empress. This is a key feature that allows you to control who has access to what within your business. It’s invaluable in managing the security of your data and ensuring the right people have access to the right tools and documents.

Roles in Empress

In the Empress system, Roles are used to define the permissions that determine the level of access to different documents. This is all easily managed through the Role Permission Manager.

Empress offers a variety of pre-defined roles you can use right away. But, if you need something a bit different, you can create your own roles. A practical example of this might be if you have a sales team member. They would be assigned the ‘Sales User’ role. This would give them access to important documents such as Quotations and Sales Orders.

To find the Roles section, just follow this path:

Home > Users and Permissions > Role

Creating a New Role

Creating a new role is straightforward. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to the Role list and click on ‘New’.
  2. Give your new Role a name.
  3. Decide if this Role needs access to the Empress desk. If a role has desk access, it means they can get to Empress modules and your company’s documents. The level of access will depend on the roles you have assigned.
  4. Click ‘Save’.

You can also choose to add two-factor authentication for the role and limit its access to a specific domain. Once you’ve created the role, you can set the permissions for this role across different document types in the Role Permission Manager.

Introducing Role Profiles

Empress also offers Role Profiles. Think of these as a bundle of roles, or a template that stores multiple roles. This is a great time-saver when you’re setting up several employees with similar roles.

To get to Role Profiles, follow this path:

Home > Users and Permissions > Permissions > Role Profile

Creating a Role Profile

Creating a new Role Profile is just as easy:

  1. Go to the Role Profile list and click on ‘New’.
  2. Give your new Role Profile a name.
  3. Pick the roles you want to assign to this profile.
  4. Click ‘Save’.

By effectively managing Roles and Role Profiles, you can ensure that everyone in your business has the appropriate level of access. This ensures your Empress system remains secure, while helping everyone work more effectively.

For further guidance or support with Empress, please refer to our additional resources or contact our support team. We’re always here to help!